Check out all our videos from the Sunday of our FIFA 14 Winter Championship at epic.TWELVE at the Kettering Conference Centre as Team Alternate’s Romanian FIFA player Vasiliev “Vasi” Andrei was crowned our 2nd Champion. He qualified with the other top 3 players, including Animate eSports’ David Coolledge, Team eNigma’s Tom Stokes and TCM Gaming’s Demetro Anastasiou for Sunday night’s Grand Final and the chance of winning £500 and hardware prizes from GUNNAR Optiks and Mad Catz.
Grand Opening
Sunday’s Matches
@_TomStokes v @Infused_Vanq|
@DavidCoolledge v @Demetri_A_|
@Demetri_A_ v @ClassyScous3r|
@Demetri_A_ v @_TomStokes|
Also, not to be missed!
Prizes Review
Prizes Review from @MadCatzUK and @GUNNAROptiksUK
Tournament Review
Check out the group for Sunday’s FIFA 14 Winter Championship and if you missed it previously, catch up with all the video action from Saturday’s tournament.
Coming Soon! The Grand Final coverage!