
FIFA 13 | FIFA Kulte Interview Romily Broad About Patching

Our partners at FIFA Kulte celebrated their 10th anniversary with an exclusive interview with EA SPORTS FIFA Community Manager Romily Broad and asked him the question: “What is the future of patching in FIFA?”.  Check out here how Rom responds…

EA SPORTS FIFA Community Manager
Romily Broad | EA SPORTS FIFA Community Manager

For many years customising FIFA through patches and utilities has been a great way to make the game more realistic. Many talented people have used their knowledge to serve the community and offered a complete customisation of the game. This is even where Sweetpatch TV had its routes with the development of the patching utility, the FIFA-MRA.

But that was before!

Over the years, this has proved increasingly difficult due to the fact that FIFA has improved considerably. Nevertheless, we must admit that we are fortunate to have a game with many licenses, and thus, plenty of realism.

To learn more, FIFA Kulte asked some questions to Romily Broad and he explains why and gives his views on the future of patching in FIFA:

  • In recent years, customizing FIFA on PC is very complex and does not allow all players to have fun. Why make a Will FIFA game have bridled?
  • Many players like the PC version because THEY can customise it. Do you think that this could hinder patching and divert players to another game?
  • According to many players, it would be great to insert kits, adboards, boots in the game on the PS3 and Xbox360 too. The development of FIFA 13 would allow this stuff? Would EA SPORTS facilitate providing a tutorial for this?
  • Everyone knows that a career with the same jerseys, the same sponsor for 15 years is not so great and real. Finally, customization and partial according to the desire of a player is it in the future FIFA?
  • Romily thank you for all details and content for this interview with Emilien. Finally, a word for 10 years of FIFA Kulte (on 07/25/2012)? Are you as excited as we approach FIFA 13?

Check out all of Rom’s responses over at FIFA Kulte’s | What is the future of patching in FIFA? article and we would personally and publicly like to wish the team at FIFA Kulte massive congratulations for reaching their 10th anniversary.

By Dave Witts

Hi guys, my name's Dave and football is my passion and Sweetpatch TV is my dream :-)

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