
EA SPORTS FIFA Game Changers | Spectator Mode

EA SPORTS Game Changers
EA SPORTS Game Changers

Following our introduction to you last week of the new EA SPORTS Game Changers program, we will now focus regularly on popular ideas.

We kick off with a subject that we hear requested many many times, especially when we host online FIFA tournaments, i.e. we wish FIFA had a Spectator Mode so we can all watch key matches in the tournament.

In the words of the idea @ EASPORTS GameChangers | Spectator Mode:

I’d love to be able to stop playing and watch my friends or others play sometimes, if they’ve chosen to allow that.

What do you think about this idea?  Post your comments below and ensure you also add them @ EASPORTS GameChangers | Spectator Mode.


By Dave Witts

Hi guys, my name's Dave and football is my passion and Sweetpatch TV is my dream :-)

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