epic.LAN FIFA 14 FIFA Masters Series (FMS)

epic.TWELVE | Adam Johnston is FIFA 14 Winter Championship Saturday Winner

Adam Johnston is our FIFA 14 Winter Championship Saturday winner and secures his place in the Grand Final on Sunday.  Adam travelled from Ireland to epic.TWELVE at the Kettering Conference Centre and qualifies with the other top 3 players, including Mike Childs and Team Alternate from Germany players PowLFTFD and Adkew, qualifying for Sunday’s Grand Final and the chance of winning £500 and hardware prizes from GUNNAR Optiks and Mad Catz. 

Adam Johnston | FIFA 14 Winter Championship Saturday Winner
Adam Johnston | FIFA 14 Winter Championship Saturday Winner

Check out here the bracket below and here for the Saturday Groups.

By Dave Witts

Hi guys, my name's Dave and football is my passion and Sweetpatch TV is my dream :-)

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