
FIFA 14 Next Gen | Producer Series | Precision Movement

In the latest edition of the FIFA 14 Next Gen Producer Series, Nick Channon and Dave Rutter take you through FIFA 14 on Xbox One/PS4 looking at Precision Movement.  With 10 times more animation depth and detail, players now plant, pivot and cut, change direction and shift their momentum with the agility and explosiveness of elite athletes.  Enjoy the video here with Nick and Dave.


Players will have unique step animations instead of blended run cycles, which means that every step counts. Foot slides have been eliminated and players will use true bio-mechanics to shift their weight from one leg to the other as they run. This dramatically changes the feel, look and realism within the game as players will be more grounded as they move across the pitch.


Next-Gen Producer Tour and Interview

Catch up with our recent Next-Gen review and interview with EA SPORTS FIFA Producer Nick Channon.

Buy Now!

If you have not already got your game for Next-Gen then please visit our FIFA 14 Store and get your order in today.

By Dave Witts

Hi guys, my name's Dave and football is my passion and Sweetpatch TV is my dream :-)

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