Our partners over at ModdingWay.com have released version 1.5.0 of their excellent FIFA 13 ModdingWay Mod for your PC. See what it includes here and treat yourself and upgrade your copy of FIFA 13 for the PC today!

Our partners over at ModdingWay.com have released version 1.5.0 of their excellent FIFA 13 ModdingWay Mod for your PC. See what it includes here and treat yourself and upgrade your copy of FIFA 13 for the PC today!
Would you like to make a New Year’s resolution to WIN money playing your favourite video games? Well you can with us over at our Social Gaming site mySweetpatch.TV we have FIFA 13 leagues and tournaments to join in with PLUS we have just created new groups for you to join in with for both Xbox and PS3 to play other games you have. Then you can visit our partners at Virgin Gaming and Win Money Playing Your Favourite Video Games!
All the team at Sweetpatch TV would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope you have enjoyed all our FIFA coverage for 2012 and will continue to do so in 2013, as we enter the 14th year of the site.
Celebrating the unique day of 12/12/12 we wanted to bring you something very special and boy have we got it! Our partners at Virgin Gaming have launched 37! videos in their FIFA 13 Gamer Training Institute (GTI) to take your FIFA 13 game to the next level by learning from their progressive tutorials!