Welcome to the first Sunday Series Cup for the PS4 in July this Sunday to help us find our Monthly Series Champion for July. To determine this you will be accumulating points from where you finish in each weekly cup and then the player with the most points after the cups in that month will be crowned the Monthly Series Champion. Don’t miss this week’s BIG tourney by signing up here!
Tag: PS4
As the World Cup kicked off yesterday, EA Lead Producer Nick Channon was on the GameSpot stage with Danny O’Dwyer (@dannyodwyer) demoing Next Gen FIFA 15 to E3. Watch the 15 minute video of the demo plus we also review all the new features Nick refers to.
Join in with our Sunday Series Cup on the PS4 this Sunday to help us find our Monthly Series Champion for June. To determine this you will be accumulating points from where you finish in each weekly cup and then the player with the most points after the 4 cups in that month will be crowned the Monthly Series Champion. Don’t miss this week’s BIG tourney by signing up here!
Join in with our Sunday Series Cup on the PS4 this Sunday to help us find our Monthly Series Champion for May. To determine this you will be accumulating points from where you finish in each weekly cup and then the player with the most points after the 4 cups in that month will be crowned the Monthly Series Champion. Don’t miss this week’s BIG tourney by signing up here!
Join in with our Sunday Series Cup on the PS4 this Sunday to help us find our Monthly Series Champions. To determine this you will be accumulating points from where you finish in each weekly cup and then the player with the most points after the 4 cups in that month will be crowned the Monthly Series Champion. Don’t miss this week’s BIG tourney by signing up here!
Join in with our new Weekly Series Cups on the Xbox One and PS4 this week to help us find our Monthly Series Champions. To determine this you will be accumulating points from where you finish in each weekly cup and then the player with the most points after the 4 cups in that month will be crowned the Monthly Series Champion. The PS4 Sunday Series Cup 2 takes place this Sunday and the Xbox One Monday Series Cup takes place this Monday. Don’t miss this week’s BIG tourney’s by signing up here!
Our new Weekly Series Cups on the Xbox One and PS4 kick off this week to find our Monthly Series Champions. To determine this you will be accumulating points from where you finish in each weekly cup and then the player with the most points after the 4 cups in that month will be crowned the Monthly Series Champion. The PS4 Sunday Series Cup kicks off this Sunday and the Xbox One Monday Series Cup kicks off this Monday. Don’t miss this week’s BIG kick off by signing up here!
Play FIFA 14 on the Xbox One and PS4 and want to get involved and have some FIFA fun with your mates in our new ladder system? Then get yourself signed up and get playing in our FIFA Masters Championship (FMC) Xbox One Ladder and/or FIFA Masters Championship (FMC) PS4 Ladder. Sign up here to get involved with Season 1.
A new title update is now available for FIFA 14 on XBOX One and PS4 and includes more stability when entering online matches, Goalkeepers in Clubs mode can now change camera angles, resolves some Online issues regarding match invites and plenty more. Find out what is included here.
Our 2014 League Seasons for Xbox 360, Xbox One and PS4 have kicked off (PS3 kicks off next Monday) and you can keep up with all the progress right here. So who are your favourites on each of the consoles?